Academic Help
Department Listings listing for all academic department websites within Trinity college
Academic Resource Center (ARC) general umbrella site for academic tutoring and advice. Look here for broad info on workshops, appointments, and peer-tutoring programs for the most common "problem" classes.
Academic Advising Center on where to get advice. Info on the Duke advising system, peer advisors, staff advisors, how to apply for a major-specific advisor, and even how to change advisors!
Career Center just for jobs! The Career Center is your one-stop-shop for resume-building advice, strategy on searching for jobs and graduate schools, and even on finding the perfect summer internship. Undeclared students can also stop by to explore long-range opportunities in prospective fields.
Peer Tutoring of the ARC program. Need a tutor? Like free stuff? Then peer tutoring is for you. They are the go-to resource for flexible assistance and the first line of defense against academic troubles. Get the scoop on rules and application process here.
Writing Studio and drop-in hours for advice and resources on writing and research at three handy campus locations. Writing instruction provided across ALL disciplines... NOT just English!
Academic Skills Instructional Program (ASIP) part of the ARC program. ASIP focuses on individual appointments to evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses in academics, as well as tailored advice on how to improve.
Math Department Help Rooms channels for help on homework and classes. "Help Rooms" and their locations are listed for individuals who are enrolled in first/second year math courses and wish to pursue assistance in a group atmosphere without signing up for an individual tutor.
Chemistry Grad Tutors (paid) students are available for personal assistance to those who desire help beyond free peer tutoring. Prices are generally negotiated between tutor/student, although students in extenuating circumstances can contact the director of undergraduate studies in chemistry to potentially arrange alternate means.
Economics Tutoring Resources economics-specific listing for info on peer tutors, paid graduate tutors, research support, and data services.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) are some things tutoring can't buy. For everything else, there's CAPS. Offering a wide range of services from emergency advice to psychological consultation, CAPS can help you weather just about any personal storm that Duke may throw your way. There's no need to feel alone.