
Member Spotlight

The Duke University Marching Band has one of the lightest rehearsal schedules of any college marching band, but through focused, efficient rehearsals we still manage to put on first-rate shows for every home football game. Here are just a few examples of band students who are involved in many other activities but still have time to be enthusiastic band members.

Class of 2019

Ryan Zerega

Majoring in Biomedical Engineering
  • Duke Drumline Section Leader
  • Intern Researcher at Michael W. Krzyzewski Human Performance Laboratory
  • Member of Sigma Chi Fraternity
  • Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Executive Board
  • Member of Duke E-Nable (3D Printed Prosthetics)
  • Participant in 5 Duke Intramural Sports
  • Dean’s List with Distinction


Akeim George

Interdepartmental Major: Neuroscience and Music
  • 1x Band Social Chair (2016)
  • 2x Band Secretary (2017-2018)
  • 3x Resident Assistant on East Campus (twice in Performing Arts Community)
  • Neurohumanities in Paris (Summer 2016), Reimagining Medicine (2018
  • Peer Tutor for Computer Science 101
  • I write lots of music

Stone Mathers

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Certificate in Information Science and Studies
  • DUMB Percussion Section Leader
  • Club Running President, Treasurer (2017-2018), and Freshman Representative (2016-2017)
  • NIRCA Cross Country Nationals and Track & Field Nationals Participant
  • Duke Wired! Lab Research Assistant
  • Dean's List with Distinction
  • Software Engineering Intern at Garmin

Class of 2020

Gia Jadick

Double Major in Physics and Political Science
  • Teaching Assistant for introductory physics lab
  • Participant in DukeEngage Washington D.C.
  • Alto saxophone player in Duke Jazz Ensemble
  • Member of Duke University Debating Society
  • Member of Round Table Selective Living Group
  • EMT-B with Duke University EMS
  • Intramural rock climber
  • Visions of Freedom FOCUS participant
  • Summer study abroad in Duke in Oxford

Freddie Xu

Majoring in Biology (Evolutionary Biology Concentration) and Political Science (Political Institutions Concentration)
  • Trombone/Baritone Section Leader (2017-present)
  • Research Assistant in Noor Lab (2016-present)
  • RA in Brown Dorm
  • Tour Guide for the Admissions Office (2017-present)
  • Summer Research Intern in Whitehead Lab at Virginia Tech
  • Dean’s List
  • Project Search Participant


Class of 2021

Cordelia Hogan

Major in Major in Dance and Linguistics
  • Duke Band Trumpet and Section Wars Commodore
  • Member of Devils en Pointe, Duke's premiere ballet company
  • Dean's List
  • Student intern at the Duke Dance Program Office
  • Summer intern at the Office of Communications at Woodberry Forest School


Band Alumni


Major in Public Policy Studies, Certificate in Information Sciences and Information Studies.
  • Participant in DukeEngage Cape Town
  • Summer Intern at Microsoft
  • Reginaldo Howard Memorial Scholar
  • Common Ground Participant
  • Arranges music for Duke Athletic Bands
  • Bass Trombonist in Duke University Jazz Ensemble
  • East Campus Resident Assistant
  • Serves on Executive Board for Durham Kitchen Connection
  • Studied abroad at Duke Kunshan University


Double Major in Evolutionary Anthropology and Biology with a concentration in Animal Behavior, Minor in Environmental Science and Policy.
  • Duke Band Alto Saxophone and Drum Major
  • House Council for Hun and Banham houses
  • SMART Tutor and volunteer at Lenox Baker Children's Hospital
  • Research Assistant at Jane Goodall Institute Research Center
  • Primate Behavioral Intern at Smithsonian National Zoo


Majoring in Psychology, Minor in Neuroscience and Arabic
  • Duke Club Taekwondo Executive Board, Publicity Chair and Webmaster
  • Studied abroad in Duke in Oxford during Summer 2014
  • Studied abroad in Duke in the Arab World during Summer 2015
  • Archivist for DUMB
  • Research Assistant for Tupler Lab at Duke Medical Center
  • Research Assistant for Zucker Lab at Duke Child Psychiatry Clinic, 2014-2015


Majoring in Neuroscience, Double Minor in Chemistry and Psychology, Pre-med
  • Alto saxophone and sousaphone player in Duke University Marching Band
  • Sousaphone Section Leader
  • Social Media Chair in Duke University Marching Band
  • Research Assistant at the Brain Imaging and Analysis Center
  • Studied abroad at King's College London
  • Treasurer of Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity
  • Duke Tour Guide
  • Member of Duke Jewish Student Union


Major in Environmental Sciences and Policy with a focused study in Freshwater Resources and Management and an Energy and Environment Certificate.
  • President of Sherwood House
  • Undergraduate Research Assistant at The Kenan Institute for Ethics
  • Recording Secretary and charter member of Gamma Phi Beta Sorority
  • Teaching Assistant for the Environmental Law and Policy Coursera Course
  • Participant in Ethics, Leadership and Global Citizenship FOCUS program
  • Studied abroad in the summer of 2015 with Duke in Crete Archeological Field Practicum
  • Section Wars Commodore


Majoring in Public Policy, Minor in Economics
  • Duke Band President Emeritus
  • Duke Band Clarinet Section Leader
  • President of Duke Moot Court
  • Member of Cooper House Selective Living Group
  • Summer intern at WebMD, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and Broadridge Financial Solutions
  • Initiated into Duke's Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society as a junior
  • Traveled to Costa Rica with Duke's Spanish Department to volunteer at a local orphanage


Majoring in Biology, Minor in English and Environmental Sciences and Policy
  • Vice President and Mellophone player in DUMB
  • Project WILD Pre-orientation Program Staffer
  • Conducted research on fungal endophyte communities in non-vascular plants
  • Studied abroad in Ecuador during Fall 2014
  • Duke University Wind Symphony oboist and section leader from 2012-2015
  • Summer Intern for the LandTrust for Central North Carolina


Major in Civil Engineering with a certificate in Architectural Engineering, Minor in Music.
  • Duke Band Drum Major
  • Secretary of Duke American Society of Civil Engineers
  • President of Duke Chi Epsilon
  • Summer Intern at American Tower Corporation and Martin/Martin Engineering Consultants
  • Junior High Class teacher at Walnut Street Church of Christ
  • Participant in Duke Research Immersion Voyage for Engineers spring break trip to research hydrology in Puerto Rico
  • Dean's List with Distinction at Duke University


Class of 2015. Major in Biology with a concentration in Marine Biology, Minor in Classical Studies
  • Mellophone Player with Duke University Marching Band
  • Mellophone Section Leader for 2013-2014, 2014-2015
  • Personnel Chair for Chi Omega
  • Research Assitant working with the NOAA-PIFSC Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program
  • Rachel Carson Research Scholar at the Duke Marine Lab
  • Research Ambassador for the Duke Undergraduate Research Society
  • Volunteer at the VA and with the Dance for Parkinson's program
  • Member of the Jewish Student Union


Class of 2015. Double-Major in Evolutionary Anthropology and Biology, Minor in Chemistry, Pre-med studies
  • Trombone player with Duke University Marching Band
  • Serves on Program Committee of Cardea Fellows Pre-Health Program
  • Staff member of Project Search Pre-Orientation Program
  • House Council Member for Round Table Selective Living Group
  • Participated in 1-G Program for First Generation Students
  • Service Learning Course Facilitator
  • Member of Duke's Black Student Alliance



Class of 2015. Major in Mechanical Engineering, Minor in Mathematics
  • Percussionist with Duke University Marching Band
  • President and Interfraternity Representative of Chi Psi Fraternity
  • Former Recruitment Chair for Chi Psi Fraternity
  • Member of Duke University Percussion Ensemble
  • TA for CompSci 101
  • Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • Interned as AdWords Manager with Google
  • Dean's List at Duke University
  • Duke Greek Emerging Leaders graduate


Class of 2015. Double-Major in Evolutionary Anthropology and French
  • Baritone player with Duke University Marching Band
  • Programming Director for Duke Sophomore Class Council
  • President of Marquis (Independent) House
  • Dorm Captain with Duke Democrats
  • Duke Student Government Senator for Facilities and the Environment
  • Duke Student Government: Member of Young Trustee Nominating Committee, Approval and Removal Committee, and Senate Judiciary Committee
  • Dean's List at Duke
  • Eagle Scout
  • Class of 2015 Advocacy Award
  • Former Vice President of Blackwell Dormitory
  • Served on East Campus Council
  • Summer study in Madagascar
  • Study abroad in Paris, France in 2013


Class of 2015. Major in Psychology, Double-Minor in Theater Studies and Music
  • Flautist with Duke Univeristy Marching Band
  • Class Council
  • Resident Assistant at Duke
  • Orchestral Supervisor, Music Director, and Actor for Hoof 'n' Horn
  • Research Associate at The Elizabeth Marsh Lab
  • Participant in Duke in London's Summer Drama Program
  • Member of Round Table Selective Living Group
  • Stage Manager for Duke's Theater Studies Department
  • Recipient of Stephenson Pope Babcock Scholarship


Class of 2014. Double-Major in Mechanical Engineering and Economics, Certificate in Aerospace Engineering
  • Duke Band Trumpet Section Leader
  • Treasurer of Duke Running Club and Sigma Chi Fraternity
  • Duke Vice President of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astonautics
  • Summer Intern at Cessna Aircraft Company
  • Studied abroad at London School of Economics
  • Restored Airplanes for Exhibition at the Glenn L. Martin Aviation Museum
  • Placed 1st in age group of Myrtle Beach Half Marathon
  • Arranged music for Duke Athletic Bands


Class of 2014. Major in Biology Double-Minor in Psychology and Chemistry, Pre-med studies
  • Duke Band Secretary and Clarinet Section Leader
  • Service Vice President, Service II Chair, and Correspondence Chair of Alpha Phi Omega Co-Ed Service Fraternity
  • Activities Board Memeber of Wellness Community on West
  • Volunteer at Lenox Baker Children's Hospital and Valvano Hospital Day School
  • Biology 201 TA for Science Advancement Through Group Engage
  • Peer Tutor for Organic Chemistry II and Physics II
  • Research in Infectious Disease Lab
  • Participant in Summer Medical and Dental Education Program at the University of Louisville
  • Dean's List with Distinction, Student Marshal, and Phi Beta Kappa Initiate at Duke University


Major in Chemistry, Minor in Economics, certificate in Global Health, pre-med studies
  • Drum Major of the marching band, 2010-2012
  • Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, small group leader 2009-2010
  • Member of Arts Theme House, Interorganizational Programmer
  • Volunteer for Health Arts Network at Duke at the pediatric eye center, 2 years
  • Research in the Duke Chemistry Department, Spring 2011
  • Children's Sunday School teacher, Grey Stone Baptist Church, 2 years
  • Participant in HCEP shadowing program
  • Member of the Chemistry Outreach Program, 2 years
  • Member of wellness/substance-free living, 2 years


Double-Major in Computer Science and Visual Arts, Pre-Business Studies
  • Clarinet player and member of the marching band, 2 years
  • Duke Theater participant, including lead roles
  • Member and dancer for Duke Hoof 'n' Horn
  • Member of Mirecourt selective living group
  • Undergraduate CompSci TA and tutor
  • Event volunteer for Ronald McDonald Charity House
  • Current member of Duke NAACP and Center of Race Relations (CRR)
  • Past activities also include volunteer for America Reads and Writes, member of East Campus Council, VP of Pegram House Council, member of Black Student Alliance, and volunteer for the Durham Scrap Exchange
  • Dean's List


Major in History, Minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, pre-law studies
  • Flute Section Leader of the marching band, 2010-2011
  • President of Chi Omega Sorority with participation including Foundation Ambassador, Model Initiate, Sisterhood Team, Greek IMPACT Retreat, and Greek Emerging Leaders Program
  • Financial Secretary for the Junior Panhellenic Council
  • Treasurer and Founding Member of the Greek Women's Initiative
  • Member of Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity, 2 years
  • Tutor for CHANCE Tutoring
  • Volunteer for Nasher Museum
  • Volunteer for the Duke University Hospital Pediatric Transplant Unit, 2 years
  • Order of Omega: Outstanding New Member in the Greek Community, 2010
  • Dean's List with Distinction
  • Studying abroad in Florence, Italy, Fall 2011


Majors in International Comparative Studies and History, Minor in Russian & Slavic Studies
  • Trumpet Section Leader for the marching band
  • Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority, member, 2 years
  • Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) participant, with positions held including squad leader, Commodore Club Treasurer, Administration Officer, and Drill Team
  • Swim Club member, 2 years
  • Studied abroad in Prague, Fall 2010
  • RLHS Resident Assistant, 1 year


Major in Music, Minor in Economics, pre-business studies
  • Member and assistant section leader of the Marching Band
  • Tenor player in the Duke Jazz Band
  • Collaborative work with the Film Department, writing music for short films
  • Member/dancer in DefMo (Defining Movement), a multicultural dance group
  • Involved in Durham music scene, occasionally producing for local artists
  • Sound Engineer for Smalltown Records, 1 year
  • Concert Manager for the Duke Music Department, 2 years
  • Received silver ranking in the national NAACP ACT-SO competition for Music Composition
  • Co-Writer for music in Pegram dorm's entry in the Froshlife Film Festival, which won the 2010 award for Best Picture and Audience Favorite
  • Dean's List
  • Studied in NYC, Fall 2011


Major in Psychology (BS), minor in Neuroscience
  • President of the Duke University Marching Band, 2010-2011
  • President of Duke Arts Theme House (ATH), 2008-2011
  • Member of NC State University Pipes and Drums Band, 2007-2010
  • Worked 15+ hours/week for Duke work study, 2008-2011
  • Member of Selective House Council, 2009-2011
  • Member of Duke Psychology Majors Union, 2009-2011
  • Student Conservation Association intern at Mt. Rainier National Park, 2008
  • Independent Study in Psychology/Neuroscience with a focus on alcohol and cognition
  • Experience in Adcock, Rezvani, and VA Med Center neuroscience labs
  • Dean's List Fall 2010, Spring 2011
  • Duke Fuqua School of Business MMS program, Class of 2012